– Partner with a leader in advanced nuclear innovation
TerraPower’s suppliers and collaborators provide valuable services, materials and manufactured products, and are important members of our extended team. Since 2008, TerraPower has been bringing together the strengths and experiences of the world’s public and private nuclear energy sectors. To date, TerraPower has engaged more than 80 corporations, universities and government agencies from around the globe. We will continue to put exemplary emphasis on engaging the diversity of the nuclear supply chain, including small, disadvantaged businesses; women-owned small businesses; veteran-owned small businesses; service-disabled, veteran-owned small businesses; and HUBZone small businesses. We have found that working with a diverse supply chain strengthens our ability to deliver quality projects, enhances the capabilities of the small business community, and fosters a healthy business environment.
We are excited to release this list of potential supplier opportunities for the Natrium Reactor Demonstration Project and look forward to hearing from interested parties who want to help bring the demonstration plant to fruition. Bear in mind that the details of this list are subject to change, revision, or cancellation. There is no guarantee that these opportunities will result in a solicitation for any of this work. Below is a list of anticipated vendor opportunities for the Natrium Reactor Demonstration Project, separated by Demonstration Plant Equipment and Test and Fill Facility equipment. The design, fabrication, testing, and delivery of an Ex-Vessel Storage Tank which will be a sodium filled American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III pressure vessel with internal rotating carousel for storage of new and spent core components. Design, fabrication, testing, and delivery of a pool handling machine to move spent fuel within Natrum’s spent fuel pool. This machine will be like spent fuel handling machines used in spent fuel pools at pressurized water reactors. Design, fabrication, testing and delivery of gas monitoring/sampling equipment, cabinets, and skids for the argon cover gas. Includes cabinet for concentrating/measuring stable xenon and krypton isotopes, impurity monitoring, and sampling capabilities. Design, analysis, fabrication, testing and delivery of a gamma spectroscopy analysis cabinet. This cabinet will provide radiation monitoring of the sodium cover gas exhaust. Design, fabrication, testing and delivery of gas routing and control equipment for the argon cover gas, including gas accumulator skids, overpressure protection skids, a safety isolation valve skid, and an oil bubbler. Design, testing, delivery, and training of a plant cyber system (PCS). The cyber defense architecture for the System employs a multilayered approach to ensure robust protection against potential cybersecurity threats. This strategy is built on layers to provide a comprehensive defense mechanism. Equipment would include Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), firewalls, certificate authority, asset monitoring, data diodes, & Portable Media and Mobile Device (PMMD). Design and manufacture of electromagnetic flow meters in conjunction with a differential pressure flow transmitter. Design, fabrication, and delivery of racks to store spent fuel within Natrium's spent fuel pool. These pool racks will be like spent fuel pool racks used at pressurized water reactors Design, fabrication, testing, and delivery of Sodium Level Instruments. These instruments will be located in drywells passing through the reactor head. The sensing devices will not contact Sodium, but will be exposed to high radiation and elevated temperatures. Design, fabrication and delivery of a head tank partially filled with sodium. This tank are designed to ASME BPVC VIII – Division 1. Design, fabrication and delivery of three sodium drain tanks. Two large tanks are identical, and one is a smaller supplemental tank. These tanks are designed to ASME BPVC VIII – Division 1. Design, fabrication, testing, inspection and delivery of Rotatable Plug Assembly (RPA) Seals. These are static and dynamic, provide the seal functions at the pressure retaining boundary in the Reactor Enclosure system to prevent egress of cover gas to out of the Reactor Vessel. These will be a part of the ASME Section III, Division 5 pressure boundary. Sourcing and delivery to site of elemental sodium for use in the Natrium Reactor and the Test and Fill Facility. Design support, Fab and Test for equipment that will be a set of shielded casks and supporting equipment used to remove, store, and install major reactor head equipment. This includes shielded casks for long-term storage, as well as floor valves, beams, and adapters to support the casks and mate them to the reactor vessel. Design codes applicable to all or parts of this work would be ASME BPVC-III-I, ASME B31.3, ANSI N14.6, IEEE 1290 and AWS D1.6. Design, fabrication, testing and delivery of a anticipipatory seismic trip system that measures ground motion, applies required signal processing and logic, and automatically generates output actuation signals to the reactor trip breakers. Design, fabrication, testing, and delivery of a fuel transfer lift and associated prototype. This elevator-like lift has three primary functions: charge and discharge core components into and out of the reactor, provide a portion of the primary containment boundary for the reactor vessel during refueling, and provide adequate shielding during normal operations and refueling outages. The design, fabrication, testing, delivery, and maintenance personnel training of a physical security system (NSC). The NSC shall include supply of necessary cabinets, displays, operator/engineer stations, and hardware/software including I/O. Equipment would include security computer, video assessment, security communication, access control, intrusion detection, & physical search. Fabrication, fill, testing and delivery of Fixed In-Vessel Shielding (FIVS) containers filled with powdered neutron shielding material. The FIVS is permanently installed shielding within the Reactor Vessel that must last the lifetime of the plant. This will be a ASME III Div 5 fabrication. Fabrication and delivery of a Pool Immersion Cell (PIC). The PIC removes residual sodium coolant from core assemblies and transfers them to the Spent Fuel Pool. Includes a process skid, a pressure vessel, an elevator, and trolley. Design, fabrication, testing and delivery of a Plug Handling Fixture (PHF). This portable machine has a hoist assembly and grapple enclosed in an airtight container to remove, transport and replace shield plugs. Design, fabrication, testing (TBD), and delivery of sodium drain valves on small bore piping. Design, fabrication, testing, and delivery of the Pin Removal Cell (PRC). This machine has remote manipulators for the manual operation of handling socket removal/reinstallation, the Lead Test Pins (LTP) attachment to the Plug Extraction Machine (PEM), and pin canister opening/closing. We are excited to release this list of potential nuclear safety-related component opportunities for the Natrium Advanced Reactor Demonstration Project (ARDP) DOE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. DE-NE0009054. This program is intended to provide the initial core fuel load consisting of components for nearly 500 fuel, shield, control, and reflector assemblies critical to the success of the project. Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that these opportunities will result in a solicitation for products or services and the details of this list are subject to change, revision, or cancellation. Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF) and TerraPower wish to build a strong supply chain for this reactor and future Natrium reactors and look forward to hearing from interested parties. Below is a list of anticipated vendor opportunities separated by Raw Materials, Fabricated Components, Machined Components, and Additional Component opportunities. Manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 15-20 HT9 upper end plates to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 15-20 HT9 shield blocks to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 500 – 600, 12–15-foot hexagonal HT9 ducts with hard-face coated stepped wall thickness load pads. Typical equipment required to manufacture ducts are large draw benches and atmosphere-controlled heat treatment furnaces. Manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 1,000,000 feet of HT9 wire and 50,000 shield slugs to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 50,000 12–15-foot HT9 cladding tubes. Three different sizes of tubing will be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 15-20 large-diameter HT9 guide & inner-duct tubes to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 500-600 stainless steel hexagonal handling sockets comprised of multiple similar part numbers to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 500-600 stainless steel inlet nozzles comprised of multiple similar part numbers to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 20,000 pounds high-density sintered B4C pellets to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, assembly, quality control testing, and shipping of 15-20 complete damper assemblies to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Processing, quality control testing, and shipping of HT9 coiled rod to manufacturing end-users. The coiled rod will be used for manufacturing wire, slugs, and other possible components. Processing, quality control testing, and shipping of HT9 billets converted into hollows for further processing at manufacturing end-users. The hollows will be used to manufacture multiple components. Procurement, manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 500-600, nickel-based alloy seal rings to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 4000 - 5000 nickel-based alloy plenum springs to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, assembly, quality control testing, and shipping of completed machined components and other direct materials in production quantities. This category contains over 100,000 individual parts from approximately 50 different component types made of multiple alloys to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, assembly, quality control testing, and shipping of 40,000-50,000 completed tag gas assemblies to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Procurement, manufacturing, quality control testing, and shipping of 500-600 nickel-based alloy flow restrictors to be shipped to the Natrium Fuel Facility in Wilmington, NC. Bechtel is leading a majority of the vendor selection for construction materials and services. Interested suppliers are strongly encouraged to register in the Bechtel supplier portal here. Bechtel is leading a majority of the vendor selection for construction materials and services. Interested suppliers are strongly encouraged to register in the Bechtel supplier portal here.
Please complete the new Supplier Prescreening Form and submit it along with your company’s brochure or other documents that highlight your company’s capabilities to suppliers@terrapower.com. TerraPower will not review incomplete application submissions. TerraPower reviews new suppliers on the last week of the month (submission cutoff is the 23rd of every month). Your information will be reviewed to determine whether your company capabilities are a good fit for future business opportunities. Note: If your company is comprised of different subsidiaries, divisions, or locations, a new entry will need to be submitted for each, if applicable. Suppliers with favorable prescreening results and found to have capabilities that meet our needs will be contacted by a Contract Administrator (CA) who will provide onboarding instructions on how to register and create a profile in TerraPower’s Supplier Portal (BonFire). Please do not contact the CA directly for review status.
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Terrapower strengthens nuclear innovation with diverse suppliers
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